Sunday, August 27, 2006

Mad at my mommy

Can you believe it. Mommy ignored me all morning. I was making cute faces at her and everything and she just ignored me! How did she manage? I don't know. Why was she ignoring me? She was sewing. She said it was for me and my crate but I would rather have had her pay attention to me. This is what she made.
Mommy was really happy. She said it matched the curtains. Whatever that means. I am not that impressed truthfully.

Well now that she is done she had better pay attention to me.


Anonymous said...

Beas - I LOVE your new crate cover! I need to make learn how to make one for my crates!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Beasley, your Mom is very talented...I wish that my crate were as tricked out as yours!

xoxo - Bella the Boxer

Deanna said...

Your mommy is quite the seamstress!

Anonymous said...

How many boxers have a custom crate cover?????? I think your Mom did a great a job!