Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I am growing up so fast

Mommy, daddy and Hal all think I am such a handsome young man now. I couldn't agree more. Here I am in class last night. See how focused I am.

Mommy says I have my moments though when I act like a baby. She caught me the other day eating yogurt out of my puppy kong. You can kinda hear the slurpy noises. She said it sounds and looks like I am drinking from a baby bottle.


Anonymous said...

You are a big gorgeous baby, Beasley!

Ivy said...

Mmmmmm! yogurt! i think that yogurt tastes the very best wen it comes out of a kong!

it looks like you haf some nice soft fluffy stuff on your floors too! i wish my peepol wud get more fluffy stuff.

Anonymous said...

Beasley, you look so grown up and focused! My Mom wishes that I were as well-behaved in do you do it?

xoxo - Bella the Boxer

Boo Boo said...

You seems to be enjoying your kong toy !! And WOW !!! ... what a big snake you have ... @_@

Anonymous said...

Pet Sale Avenue has launched a new pet blog network so our visitors can go to one place to read the most interesting and fun blogs on the net!!! Your blog would be a fun addition and we invite you to join us. Please check us out. Just follow the submission directions and your blog will be displayed for all to see! Hope to see you soon!

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PSA Pet Blog Network

Tigersan said...

Me have heard about these "kong toys." Your video really shows me what they are.... hmmm, do me want one of those ;)